Friday, December 17, 2004
Sunday, November 07, 2004
How "W" Won...
I found this in the NY Times and believe it is worth posting here.
BY JOHN PODHORETZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK POST HOW W WON
November 4, 2004 -- TWO things happened on Tuesday night: George W. Bush won the election decisively, and John Kerry and the Democrats lost the election decisively. That's what a close study of the final vote tally reveals. On Tuesday, 9 million more votes were cast than in 2000. On Tuesday, Bush received 8.3 million votes more than he did in 2000. If those 8.3 million Bush voters who weren't there for Dubya in 2000 all came from the big pool of new voters, then Democrats should start getting ready to pack it up and move to France. Why? Because a Republican president has increased his ballot total by 15 percent simply by creating new Republican voters who didn't exist before. This is potentially catastrophic for the Democratic Party. It will go into the next two national elections (in 2006 and 2008) with a Republican electorate 15 percent larger than it was four years ago. But look. It's highly unlikely that every new Bush voter came from the overall newvoter pool. It's safer to assume that new voters split the way the overall electorate split, 51-48 in favor of the president. Under this scenario, John Kerry deserves congratulations for receiving about 4.3 million votes that didn't exist when Al Gore ran for president four years ago. But before Democrats start sending Kerry congratulatory telegrams, they should consider this: Bush only got 4.7 million from the new-voter pool, then his historic total means he got another 3.6 million votes from people who voted Democratic in 2000.
So if you figure the new voters broke 51-48 in favor of the president, you also have to figure that George W. bush took a whopping 7 percent of Gore's 2000 vote total away from the Democrats. Democrats can and should console themselves with the thought that they can get those voters back. If someone has pulled the Democratic lever before, there's reason to think they can go Democratic again under the right circumstances and with the right candidate. But to do that, Democrats will have to accept reality. And the reality is this: Democrats voted for Bush in large numbers because they like him. They admire him. They want him to be president. They don't think he's an idiot, a fascist, a warmonger, a religious fanatic, a kook, a liar, a cheat, a monster, a bad guy. They think he's done a good job. The Democratic Party has spent four years demonizing George W. Bush, and in part because of their stupid, useless, senseless negativism, Terry McAuliffe & Co. lost 4 million voters. Some strategists will surely argue that because the Democrats were so pointed in their attacks on Bush, they brought the 2.8 million people who voted for Ralph Nader back in the fold. There's some merit in that argument. But that still leaves the party with a net loss overall from 2000. And that, my friends, is the story of this election. George W. Bush won the election triumphantly because he made new voters. And John Kerry and the Democrats lost the election ignominiously in part because of the self-destructive hate and venom they spat at the president, which caused Democratic voters to flee in droves.
If you want to be right, then DO RIGHT!
BY JOHN PODHORETZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK POST HOW W WON
November 4, 2004 -- TWO things happened on Tuesday night: George W. Bush won the election decisively, and John Kerry and the Democrats lost the election decisively. That's what a close study of the final vote tally reveals. On Tuesday, 9 million more votes were cast than in 2000. On Tuesday, Bush received 8.3 million votes more than he did in 2000. If those 8.3 million Bush voters who weren't there for Dubya in 2000 all came from the big pool of new voters, then Democrats should start getting ready to pack it up and move to France. Why? Because a Republican president has increased his ballot total by 15 percent simply by creating new Republican voters who didn't exist before. This is potentially catastrophic for the Democratic Party. It will go into the next two national elections (in 2006 and 2008) with a Republican electorate 15 percent larger than it was four years ago. But look. It's highly unlikely that every new Bush voter came from the overall newvoter pool. It's safer to assume that new voters split the way the overall electorate split, 51-48 in favor of the president. Under this scenario, John Kerry deserves congratulations for receiving about 4.3 million votes that didn't exist when Al Gore ran for president four years ago. But before Democrats start sending Kerry congratulatory telegrams, they should consider this: Bush only got 4.7 million from the new-voter pool, then his historic total means he got another 3.6 million votes from people who voted Democratic in 2000.
So if you figure the new voters broke 51-48 in favor of the president, you also have to figure that George W. bush took a whopping 7 percent of Gore's 2000 vote total away from the Democrats. Democrats can and should console themselves with the thought that they can get those voters back. If someone has pulled the Democratic lever before, there's reason to think they can go Democratic again under the right circumstances and with the right candidate. But to do that, Democrats will have to accept reality. And the reality is this: Democrats voted for Bush in large numbers because they like him. They admire him. They want him to be president. They don't think he's an idiot, a fascist, a warmonger, a religious fanatic, a kook, a liar, a cheat, a monster, a bad guy. They think he's done a good job. The Democratic Party has spent four years demonizing George W. Bush, and in part because of their stupid, useless, senseless negativism, Terry McAuliffe & Co. lost 4 million voters. Some strategists will surely argue that because the Democrats were so pointed in their attacks on Bush, they brought the 2.8 million people who voted for Ralph Nader back in the fold. There's some merit in that argument. But that still leaves the party with a net loss overall from 2000. And that, my friends, is the story of this election. George W. Bush won the election triumphantly because he made new voters. And John Kerry and the Democrats lost the election ignominiously in part because of the self-destructive hate and venom they spat at the president, which caused Democratic voters to flee in droves.
If you want to be right, then DO RIGHT!
Friday, November 05, 2004
Can You Hear Me Now?
I am so excited with the fact that the Presidential, State, and local elections worked this year!As some of you know, we homeschool our children and try to keep them in the know when it come to the world. In the last round of elections, everything fell apart and our attempt to use the election process as study, completely failed, thus leaving our children with a bad taste in their mouths..This time was quite different, and I am so very proud!.While we were happy with the outcome, the best part for us was the way it came about. We got to see the media put in their place as the average American citizen let their voice be heard..Another high point was the candidates and their composure. I was very pleased with the speech made by Senator Kerry. He was quite eloquent, and sadly I must say, that I really wish he could have presented himself as he did after it was all over. I think if he had just been himself throughout the whole campaign, as he was afterwards, things would have been very different..President Bush also spoke well of his rival, and did his part to put the campaign behind also. I truly hope that what they both spoke of, coming across political lines to realize a better America, will actually come to fruition..It was also very invigorating to see just how many people came out to vote. The effort to bring out the vote was truly phenomenal! I hope that we can see this kind of turn out in the future. I find it sad that it took such drastic efforts to increase the turn-out, but maybe it will become habit for the new voters..Another thing that was good to see, was in the fact that the people of America was allowed to be heard, and boy were they. What would normally have been a decision for the supreme court, was decided by the people. The issue of the amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman proved to be a good test. Not taking issue either way, it was very obvious how the American voter felt. If only we could get more of the issues to vote rather than before the supreme court. This country is made up by a vast people, and it is they who should define it. Eleven states all with the same outcome...pretty impressive. I say let us be heard! We loved the opportunity, and plead for more opportunity in the future!While many believe that in issue such as an amendment defining marriage was not proper constitutionally, the constitution needs to be managed by the masses, and not the few!.For those who boldly crafted this proposal, I say thanks! You have allowed the people of America to be heard, and I say bring more!.In regards to the stupor that the press and liberal democrats are expressing, I pray that you will have to get use to it! You act surprised that the American people would vote their heart and conviction? I say that you need a lesson in patriotism. While you cast your condescending look upon us, the poor, the uneducated, and those who don't have the sense to come in out of the rain, I say, learn your lesson well. You have finally heard what the people of American are about and want.I know so many of you, and understand how you, the enlightened, liberal, democrat has held the view that you understand "better" than the rest of us. You hold an indignant eye for any who do not agree with your understanding, yet, cannot allow the same concession you demand of us. You have worked for decades trying to stand above, educate, and dismiss us "the lesser," for an America that will stand hand in hand with a global community of enlightened equals. You need to take a long look at just who you are trying to embrace. Not all in the world hold to your belief system, and no degree of argument or education will change them. The world is a very dangerous and mean place to be.You want us out of Iraq....never should have been there...tell that to the thousands who have been murdered by the regime that "we" removed. Go to Sudan and enlighten the muslim militants who daily are slaughtering whole families for simply being Christian, or are they doing a service to society? Tell any woman in the larger part of the middle east, who has to completely cloak her body in public. Tell her of "her" rights as a citizen in this enlightened world. Before you decide you are going to dictate what is right or wrong, you might want to take the time to know just exactly what you are talking about. All your indignation has rendered you to a state of blind stupor. The greater part of the general public has spoken, and they are not buying what you have to sell!.In this election you lost more ground than at any time in recent history. I honestly believe in the checks and balances system, and you have taken yourself out of the game. You have allowed both the Executive and legislative branch's of government to be run by one have spun so far out in left field that you were rejected in the vast majority of every race you entered. I truly hope you have learned a lesson, as so many of you who "knew" you could not be defeated, have all the answers, and are better enabled to legislate against the will of the greater populace; hubris excuses no single person.
If you want to be right, DO right!
If you want to be right, DO right!
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Enslaved By a Free Society...
As an American, I am entitled to freedom, liberty, and opportunity. These are the privileges of being an American…am I not right? At first thought this statement seems almost silly to make. In the United States of America, all citizens have these privileges and rights. If one wants a concise listing of our American rights, they can go read the Constitution of the United States of America and find them all…a pretty good list.
“So what,” you might ask, and this is what I will answer.
I have been studying American history lately and when being refreshed of the condition of the slaves and poor in the south, both pre and post civil war, I have come to ponder some conditions, which existed then and still continue to exist today.
After the civil war ended the slaves were given their freedom and with the 14th & 15th amendments came their right to vote (male that is). Troops were moved in from the Republican North to enact reconstruction of the Democratic South. Not much happened other than occupation and a change in titles and conditions. The Democrat elite still ran the south and not much came of reconstruction. In an effort to protect their empires, the elitist in the south devised ways to keep the republican freedmen (former slaves) from voting. They would require literacy exams, grandfather clauses based on land ownership by their grandfather (at the time no freedman had a grandfather who owned land as they were either slaves or were still in Africa), and any other bogus reason to keep the freedman (freed by the Republican North), from voting as it was inevitable for them to vote the party ticket of those who freed them.
The Freedmen and poor white’s still had their leash though. Instead of being property they were now free, but became indebted to the elite. With sharecropping, they were allowed to farm a piece of land, but had to give the largest part of the profits to the landowner. They were free, but had never been shown how to get out of their cage.
Today, things are so very different. We all have our rights and opportunities. Color is of no issue, unless you happen to be a white male and encounter affirmative action. We all have the same opportunities and freedoms, and the elitist has been brought down to a common level.
While it is true that we have to pay taxes for who knows what, we are a free society living in a state of liberty and justice. We are all taxed on our incomes at a fair rate, unless we happen to be rich, then we are taxed at a “fairer” rate. We all have the same opportunities, if we can afford them, and we all can be what we want to be, if we can once again afford it.
In reality, not much has changed. While it is true that if the situation is right, we can all get a good education, have nice houses and cars, but do we truly have freedom and liberty. Just as the Freedmen were free, they were allowed to possess homes (barely livable though), and work property at their choice, they also had to pay more than their fair share to the landowner. The feed and seed was sold to them at unfair rates, and if they had a bad year they still had to pay it back. Debt would inevitably stack from year from year and they once again found themselves in bondage of financial debt to the elite; sound very familiar in my life right now.
I got what education I could afford, went into debt to finance my house and cars. The house needs repair so out comes a second mortgage. Cars wear out and need replacing which means more debt will be added on. Accidents happen and ability to work soon follows and the state allows money back (that I have paid in) at a rate that doesn’t come close to covering my losses.
In order for our nation to function, we need to pay taxes, which I agree with. But, are they of any real benefit to my family and me. Yes I want to drive on paved roads and have military and police protection, but I also do not believe the administrators of such agencies should become rich from the proceeds of our taxes. The upper middle class along with the rich will fight for government support of such issues as the arts and such, but what about the majority of us who are simply trying to get by.
If a select group wants to support such an agency, then it is they who should fund it, not the ones who are losing what they have. We don’t need to support anything until we can support ourselves. Taxes such as this should be optional for the taxpayer, not mandated.
We are represented by those who are not in our class or struggles and truly have no idea what we want or need. They cry culture why we cry shelter. Many of us live in a rent situation at rates that would easily buy a home, but with credit like it is, many cannot acquire the right credit to purchase. Also due to out of sight rent, we cannot save enough to buy a home outright.
Can we boycott, yes, but where will we live? Maybe we could stay with our relatives who have no room for us in their rented housing till we save enough for what we need. For those of us who have been allowed the credit to rent housing on the premise of purchasing, Shall we walk out and find a cheaper way to exist? Not likely as we are probably paying less than rent, but tack that insurance back in and we too are trapped.
So, in all this, I find that we are very much like the Freedmen in better living conditions. Our elite master has become the banking and finance institutions. A few people controlling the masses who are at liberty to continually toil themselves into ever increasing debt. We can do whatever we want as long as we can afford it. We can also continue to live in conditions less than what we strive for, as long as we continue to support the elitist company store.
We as those in debt and bondage need to find a way to separate ourselves from this downward spiral of ever-increasing debt through the banking and finance corporations. We need to bring value back to currency and away from the credit card system. We need to find a system, which allows our hard work to count for more than what the elite allows. We need to get smart and find a way to take what should rightly be ours back. We are trading our liberty for debt and bondage.
Anyway, these are some of my thoughts for today. Hopefully will post more ideas about ways to regain our liberty.
Until next time!
“So what,” you might ask, and this is what I will answer.
I have been studying American history lately and when being refreshed of the condition of the slaves and poor in the south, both pre and post civil war, I have come to ponder some conditions, which existed then and still continue to exist today.
After the civil war ended the slaves were given their freedom and with the 14th & 15th amendments came their right to vote (male that is). Troops were moved in from the Republican North to enact reconstruction of the Democratic South. Not much happened other than occupation and a change in titles and conditions. The Democrat elite still ran the south and not much came of reconstruction. In an effort to protect their empires, the elitist in the south devised ways to keep the republican freedmen (former slaves) from voting. They would require literacy exams, grandfather clauses based on land ownership by their grandfather (at the time no freedman had a grandfather who owned land as they were either slaves or were still in Africa), and any other bogus reason to keep the freedman (freed by the Republican North), from voting as it was inevitable for them to vote the party ticket of those who freed them.
The Freedmen and poor white’s still had their leash though. Instead of being property they were now free, but became indebted to the elite. With sharecropping, they were allowed to farm a piece of land, but had to give the largest part of the profits to the landowner. They were free, but had never been shown how to get out of their cage.
Today, things are so very different. We all have our rights and opportunities. Color is of no issue, unless you happen to be a white male and encounter affirmative action. We all have the same opportunities and freedoms, and the elitist has been brought down to a common level.
While it is true that we have to pay taxes for who knows what, we are a free society living in a state of liberty and justice. We are all taxed on our incomes at a fair rate, unless we happen to be rich, then we are taxed at a “fairer” rate. We all have the same opportunities, if we can afford them, and we all can be what we want to be, if we can once again afford it.
In reality, not much has changed. While it is true that if the situation is right, we can all get a good education, have nice houses and cars, but do we truly have freedom and liberty. Just as the Freedmen were free, they were allowed to possess homes (barely livable though), and work property at their choice, they also had to pay more than their fair share to the landowner. The feed and seed was sold to them at unfair rates, and if they had a bad year they still had to pay it back. Debt would inevitably stack from year from year and they once again found themselves in bondage of financial debt to the elite; sound very familiar in my life right now.
I got what education I could afford, went into debt to finance my house and cars. The house needs repair so out comes a second mortgage. Cars wear out and need replacing which means more debt will be added on. Accidents happen and ability to work soon follows and the state allows money back (that I have paid in) at a rate that doesn’t come close to covering my losses.
In order for our nation to function, we need to pay taxes, which I agree with. But, are they of any real benefit to my family and me. Yes I want to drive on paved roads and have military and police protection, but I also do not believe the administrators of such agencies should become rich from the proceeds of our taxes. The upper middle class along with the rich will fight for government support of such issues as the arts and such, but what about the majority of us who are simply trying to get by.
If a select group wants to support such an agency, then it is they who should fund it, not the ones who are losing what they have. We don’t need to support anything until we can support ourselves. Taxes such as this should be optional for the taxpayer, not mandated.
We are represented by those who are not in our class or struggles and truly have no idea what we want or need. They cry culture why we cry shelter. Many of us live in a rent situation at rates that would easily buy a home, but with credit like it is, many cannot acquire the right credit to purchase. Also due to out of sight rent, we cannot save enough to buy a home outright.
Can we boycott, yes, but where will we live? Maybe we could stay with our relatives who have no room for us in their rented housing till we save enough for what we need. For those of us who have been allowed the credit to rent housing on the premise of purchasing, Shall we walk out and find a cheaper way to exist? Not likely as we are probably paying less than rent, but tack that insurance back in and we too are trapped.
So, in all this, I find that we are very much like the Freedmen in better living conditions. Our elite master has become the banking and finance institutions. A few people controlling the masses who are at liberty to continually toil themselves into ever increasing debt. We can do whatever we want as long as we can afford it. We can also continue to live in conditions less than what we strive for, as long as we continue to support the elitist company store.
We as those in debt and bondage need to find a way to separate ourselves from this downward spiral of ever-increasing debt through the banking and finance corporations. We need to bring value back to currency and away from the credit card system. We need to find a system, which allows our hard work to count for more than what the elite allows. We need to get smart and find a way to take what should rightly be ours back. We are trading our liberty for debt and bondage.
Anyway, these are some of my thoughts for today. Hopefully will post more ideas about ways to regain our liberty.
Until next time!
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Hey! I Pay My Taxes, thank you....
You know, I am an American and I do believe in paying my taxes! I do not cheat on my returns and go strictly by the books because I do believe that as an American, I am obligated to do so in order to keep my freedom. It is nothing less than my part.
The part of other's it would seem would be that they are somehow deserving freedom and deem it ok to find every shortcut and "white" cheat possible to get out of paying their "fair" share. Not only do they not feel bad about it, but to the contrary, they boast of their prowess as if they are a jump ahead of it all. Most of these "associates" of mine are self proclaimed liberal democrats, to which I clam to belong to neither camp and vote purely based on the person and their credibility....Nothing more or less. These same people can do nothing but criticize the people holding office if they might be republican and rant about how the current administration is ruining the whole system. When President Bush announced that people would be getting an extra return, all these people raised the dust and proclaimed he would sink the nation, but when the checks showed up, they were in line with me at Wal-Mart spending the money with a smile. Either you are for, or you are against. I personally believe if these shining democrat citizens would quite cheating their beloved nation out of taxes, the issues of an "extra" return would not have been a need.
These liberals mostly without knowing, support art endowments (whatever happened to starving artist.....There's plenty of starving carpenters, taxi-cab drivers and factory workers out there...How about that starving office worker or wait person?). They support Planned parenthood and abortion (which I don't believe in because it is my right....And no, I do not shoot doctor's and yell at pregnant teenagers as I do respect their liberty as an individual and if my belief system is right, God will deal with them....I don't have to). They support the homosexual agenda in the one's sexuality should determine one's status and rights. All the while they are supporting this notion through their choice of politics and cheating the system, they are leaving me and others like me, to pay up. They will talk about, harass and heckle the "weird" artist, "promiscuous" teen or homosexual, and Heaven help you if you need any sort of assistance from the welfare system (they are referred to as leeches), yet, the politics they are proclaiming pushes forward that, which as it would appear, supports exactly what they hate.
On the other hand, my taxes go to support public schools which are failing miserably so we homeschool. That's right! We homeschool and still pay taxes in for the public school....Do we receive any tax credit for not adding to the tax system's list of beneficiaries? No....We are Americans and pay our share. While discussing the public school system, it is important to know that anyone who utilizes them, is basically on Welfare! The public school child is being given an education by the taxes collected from the citizens, you and me.
I also am paying an "artist" to mold manure or pose nude for all the world to see...Did we ask to see this....No, but we did pay for it! Was there a national campaign conducted among the "tax-payers", not "tax-cheaters", which would allow us to choose our selection of the artist that should be funded? That's ok though, it is all part of me being a citizen in good standing.
What about that pregnant teen/unwed mother? Did I get them pregnant? Don't think so....Do I believe the teen should be taken up by planned parenthood so they can get an abortion? No I don't. How about the homosexual, should they be afforded the honor of being married? No, marriage is for a man and women, and they should come up with their own institution....It's all a matter of definition. As far as rights that would shadow marriage, I say go ahead....That way we can all be unfairly taxed if we are married or committed to a partner. I would think they would be better of financially if they left things alone. If they are worried about who has control of the others possessions if one should die, then make out a will....Simple enough.
By now, one would probably think I really hold a fair amount of contention for the pregnant teen/unwed mother, artist that receives endowments, or homosexual, (I probably would from what I have written so far). The truth is that while I do not support any of these individuals and their cost to me financially through taxes, I do have compassion for them. The are just like me, flesh and blood, have the same needs for survival, and are a part of the human race. I have fed and financed at various times (when able) these very people. It is my right not to have to support them through my taxes, and even let them know how I feel, just as they have the same right to not accept my help (not happened yet), and not support my choices and style of life. It is not my right to not help them when their lives are in some sort of peril. As a part of a free society and the human race, one who follows the lead of Jesus Christ (who did he turn away in need), it is my duty, honor and obligation to help those who suffer. If I am to be able to love myself and family, then I must also love what we are, and thus have to love and care for society in general. Yes, I have worked with, cared for and helped those who would seem to be hated by the ones whose politics support them.
I personally believe that everything should be tolled. If I am to drive on a certain hiway, then I should pay for it as I use it. Give me an itemized list of everything our taxes go for and let me pay for that which I know I will use. Give me an automatic tag which would keep a record of services I had utilized (the technology is there) and figure my taxes from there on in. If it ends up that I have utilized planned parenthood, then I pay, if not, then no pay.
This whole issue has come down to a point that charity leaves a bruise (scarlet letter) on those who need it. It also has taken charity from what it once was, people caring for people, and turned it into a governmental department and tax write-off.
I would think that a better system would be one that left charity to society and allowed participants to receive and give as able. There is nothing wrong with charity, but people should be the core of it. If you need my help....Just ask, but never take it by force as the government is now doing. I will give you so much more if you simply ask than if you demand.
My own convictions would have to state that I am an American citizen and I support legitimate taxation. I do not support hypocrisy on the part of the cheaters though. Make them pay so I can pay less.
I also believe that if our culture is allowed release from illegitimate taxation, we will require less from our government in support; might just turn out that we can actually take care of ourselves. I believe that the individual must stand somewhat accountable for their actions. We all mess up from time to time, but why is it that my mistakes are never ones that allow me to collect money from the rest of society?
I proclaim to be neither Republican or Democrat as I do not believe either has an adequate answer to the questions of our culture. I believe Presidents are Puppet's and their corporate puppetmaster's are in control of their "big" moves. Congress is a society within itself where the participants are trying to shape a culture they are severely removed from. I see our society as one who is lazy and seeks every shortcut they can find, as they shirk personal responsibility. If our govenment is to be one that is ran for and by the people, then people need to speak up, show up, and stank up for their vision of America and how it should be. I also never vote a party ticket, but rather judge the candidates by their past record, past history, and future potential. Liar's and cheater's can be found out quite easily these days on the internet, but how many people actually know the full portrait of the person they are voting for? The media has their own agenda and should be disregarded for lack of credibility (go to the governmental sites and read up before you pick which horse to place "your" money on.
I know this letter sounds a bit tart, but, I am a little upset from hearing so much about politicians who have no struggles, yet are allowed to determine my fate and taxation. Like the crying Indian said (I can say that because I am Native American), "Don't tell me how to walk until you have walked a mile in my shoes....." I am quite comfortabe speaking boldly because I can back up my claims and observations. I encourage all to become a part of the system rather than being subject to it.
Till next time....
The part of other's it would seem would be that they are somehow deserving freedom and deem it ok to find every shortcut and "white" cheat possible to get out of paying their "fair" share. Not only do they not feel bad about it, but to the contrary, they boast of their prowess as if they are a jump ahead of it all. Most of these "associates" of mine are self proclaimed liberal democrats, to which I clam to belong to neither camp and vote purely based on the person and their credibility....Nothing more or less. These same people can do nothing but criticize the people holding office if they might be republican and rant about how the current administration is ruining the whole system. When President Bush announced that people would be getting an extra return, all these people raised the dust and proclaimed he would sink the nation, but when the checks showed up, they were in line with me at Wal-Mart spending the money with a smile. Either you are for, or you are against. I personally believe if these shining democrat citizens would quite cheating their beloved nation out of taxes, the issues of an "extra" return would not have been a need.
These liberals mostly without knowing, support art endowments (whatever happened to starving artist.....There's plenty of starving carpenters, taxi-cab drivers and factory workers out there...How about that starving office worker or wait person?). They support Planned parenthood and abortion (which I don't believe in because it is my right....And no, I do not shoot doctor's and yell at pregnant teenagers as I do respect their liberty as an individual and if my belief system is right, God will deal with them....I don't have to). They support the homosexual agenda in the one's sexuality should determine one's status and rights. All the while they are supporting this notion through their choice of politics and cheating the system, they are leaving me and others like me, to pay up. They will talk about, harass and heckle the "weird" artist, "promiscuous" teen or homosexual, and Heaven help you if you need any sort of assistance from the welfare system (they are referred to as leeches), yet, the politics they are proclaiming pushes forward that, which as it would appear, supports exactly what they hate.
On the other hand, my taxes go to support public schools which are failing miserably so we homeschool. That's right! We homeschool and still pay taxes in for the public school....Do we receive any tax credit for not adding to the tax system's list of beneficiaries? No....We are Americans and pay our share. While discussing the public school system, it is important to know that anyone who utilizes them, is basically on Welfare! The public school child is being given an education by the taxes collected from the citizens, you and me.
I also am paying an "artist" to mold manure or pose nude for all the world to see...Did we ask to see this....No, but we did pay for it! Was there a national campaign conducted among the "tax-payers", not "tax-cheaters", which would allow us to choose our selection of the artist that should be funded? That's ok though, it is all part of me being a citizen in good standing.
What about that pregnant teen/unwed mother? Did I get them pregnant? Don't think so....Do I believe the teen should be taken up by planned parenthood so they can get an abortion? No I don't. How about the homosexual, should they be afforded the honor of being married? No, marriage is for a man and women, and they should come up with their own institution....It's all a matter of definition. As far as rights that would shadow marriage, I say go ahead....That way we can all be unfairly taxed if we are married or committed to a partner. I would think they would be better of financially if they left things alone. If they are worried about who has control of the others possessions if one should die, then make out a will....Simple enough.
By now, one would probably think I really hold a fair amount of contention for the pregnant teen/unwed mother, artist that receives endowments, or homosexual, (I probably would from what I have written so far). The truth is that while I do not support any of these individuals and their cost to me financially through taxes, I do have compassion for them. The are just like me, flesh and blood, have the same needs for survival, and are a part of the human race. I have fed and financed at various times (when able) these very people. It is my right not to have to support them through my taxes, and even let them know how I feel, just as they have the same right to not accept my help (not happened yet), and not support my choices and style of life. It is not my right to not help them when their lives are in some sort of peril. As a part of a free society and the human race, one who follows the lead of Jesus Christ (who did he turn away in need), it is my duty, honor and obligation to help those who suffer. If I am to be able to love myself and family, then I must also love what we are, and thus have to love and care for society in general. Yes, I have worked with, cared for and helped those who would seem to be hated by the ones whose politics support them.
I personally believe that everything should be tolled. If I am to drive on a certain hiway, then I should pay for it as I use it. Give me an itemized list of everything our taxes go for and let me pay for that which I know I will use. Give me an automatic tag which would keep a record of services I had utilized (the technology is there) and figure my taxes from there on in. If it ends up that I have utilized planned parenthood, then I pay, if not, then no pay.
This whole issue has come down to a point that charity leaves a bruise (scarlet letter) on those who need it. It also has taken charity from what it once was, people caring for people, and turned it into a governmental department and tax write-off.
I would think that a better system would be one that left charity to society and allowed participants to receive and give as able. There is nothing wrong with charity, but people should be the core of it. If you need my help....Just ask, but never take it by force as the government is now doing. I will give you so much more if you simply ask than if you demand.
My own convictions would have to state that I am an American citizen and I support legitimate taxation. I do not support hypocrisy on the part of the cheaters though. Make them pay so I can pay less.
I also believe that if our culture is allowed release from illegitimate taxation, we will require less from our government in support; might just turn out that we can actually take care of ourselves. I believe that the individual must stand somewhat accountable for their actions. We all mess up from time to time, but why is it that my mistakes are never ones that allow me to collect money from the rest of society?
I proclaim to be neither Republican or Democrat as I do not believe either has an adequate answer to the questions of our culture. I believe Presidents are Puppet's and their corporate puppetmaster's are in control of their "big" moves. Congress is a society within itself where the participants are trying to shape a culture they are severely removed from. I see our society as one who is lazy and seeks every shortcut they can find, as they shirk personal responsibility. If our govenment is to be one that is ran for and by the people, then people need to speak up, show up, and stank up for their vision of America and how it should be. I also never vote a party ticket, but rather judge the candidates by their past record, past history, and future potential. Liar's and cheater's can be found out quite easily these days on the internet, but how many people actually know the full portrait of the person they are voting for? The media has their own agenda and should be disregarded for lack of credibility (go to the governmental sites and read up before you pick which horse to place "your" money on.
I know this letter sounds a bit tart, but, I am a little upset from hearing so much about politicians who have no struggles, yet are allowed to determine my fate and taxation. Like the crying Indian said (I can say that because I am Native American), "Don't tell me how to walk until you have walked a mile in my shoes....." I am quite comfortabe speaking boldly because I can back up my claims and observations. I encourage all to become a part of the system rather than being subject to it.
Till next time....
Friday, June 25, 2004
Little Brother In Iraq, Hear My Words!
A little background. My young brother-in-law, is from Wisconsin and is a member of the National Guard (correct me if I am wrong) there. I believe it was about six month's back that his unit was activated and away they went as a medical team to Iraq. Shortly after his arrival, their Father died and he was back on leave for the funeral and family management. His twin brother and older sister were waiting for him, and we received a call informing us of "father's" death, (my wife was adopted out before her parents married and had the three younger siblings afterward, and had only met her siblings, a younger sister [the eldest], and two twin brothers) and was asked to come to the funeral and really felt her siblings needed the support. So off we went.
At the funeral, both brothers were attired in their military dress (both are in the military, only one activated), and following the funeral all met at a local restaurant to eat, talk, and let things sink in some. While walking across the parking lot, many people honked their horns, waved, gave the thumbs up, and showed approval of them in a moving way. It was very nice.
After we returned home (800 miles away), the brother from Iraq requested and received an extension to help settle estate and family, which was good. As time moved toward his scheduled departure for Iraq, his family really didn't want him to leave, especially with the recent loss of "father," which is understandable. The twin brothers, when together, operate as two parts of one...Almost like all that they do is choreographed for perfect synchronization, and when apart, they have to feel somewhat displaced.
The family and friends in the mean time started petitioning his commander, as well as many governmental representatives and officials, for his release from active duty. They truly were terrified that he would not return, and with all of them being in their early twenties, I can understand their feeling such. What was odd was the fact that the brother being fought over was very quiet. No word from him at all. In the end the request was denied and he went back to Iraq, while the family persisted from state-side in his behalf. Still Younger brother remained silent.
We also remained silent. The family petitioned us to join in the battle and for all they knew, we had. The truth was that we could not join in as we felt that this young man's integrity and honor would be damaged if he did get the easy way out. So....We chose to do as he had, and just sat back and watched how things would play out. It was his test and trial, and as hard as it was, it was a fight that only he could take up.
We continued to receive emails from him from time to time, but they had now become rather dry and to the point. Then finally (I believe a month or so later)we received an email (addressed to all his loved ones) that had a scary intro, but led into triumph for him. He shared how miserable and depressed he was. That the stress was making him physically sick, to which we were very concerned. He then goes on to tell how he went to his company commander that morning and informed him the he had no intention of leaving his unit or going home before any of them.
This act took much courage on his part both to tell his family no, and in light of the fact that they are attacked daily with rpg's and such, and still choose to stay. A very proud day for this family indeed...Little Brother is a patriot bound by honor and duty! I now address him directly for the whole world to know what we think of him.
Bart, hear me!
I cannot tell you how proud and honored I am to have you as my brother-in-law! I know how tough your decision was to make and in this, I know you have elevated yourself to a higher level of being. Your task and role in Iraq is noble and you will never be questioned about your decision by any of your hillbilly relates.
I have faced death many times and still cannot conceive how it must be to live with it's potential on a daily basis, but I do know that every day you are there, your wisdom and integrity grows. You are seeing how precious life is, and I honor you in your work of preserving it for so many wounded people in this tragic conflict. Your work sees no color, recognizes no language, and honors no flag. The work of saving lives requires one to give their life...To each and every person they help. I know who you are, and also know that those you help, know you as well. Your only mission is revealed in your eyes and manner. This cannot be taken, but only given, and I must thank you for giving so freely.
My only words of advice to you little brother Bart is, to stay the course, increase your knowledge, grow your faith in God, and continue to be right. Apart from this, there is little else of significance to offer you.
To the rest of the family, I implore you to rally around him in support and declaration. Offer only that which will help him in his quest, while allowing love and respect to tide you over until he returns home.
If you ever need anything over there, don't hesitate to call upon a family that loves and supports you in your journey and decision!
We salute you and those working alongside you in your efforts to save the lives of any who might need your help. Indeed, we are PROUD!
You do well little brother! We love you!
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Noting the News
*Also posted on my other site, Gimped Redneck*
I've been thinking much about people lately and their presuppositions of their place in the world. In reading the local small-town newspaper, I find about relatives visiting various townfolk, local politicians and their look of position, tragedies found, and obituaries of people who might have never before been found worthy of print.
I move on to the larger newspaper of nearby college/industrial towns, and find happenings of cultural value and people related to it. I also find about new businesses openings accompanied by hopeful smiles as would normally be found on the face of a new papa. I see commentaries on subjects of no real value to human life than the reason to rant, and I see tribute to the lives of the departed fortunate alongside the misfortunes of the less regarded. Everywhere I find someone has the ultimate way for me to save money by shopping at their establishment, or values on new cars I can only dream about.
On up to a paper/magazine of national or international scale, I find people mentioned for noble birth and caste, riots and the incivility of the human race, agenda's, and other notable mentions.
In all this, I am given a view of humanity as a whole. Here I sit in my little bedroom while my four kids play on the bed, I am privy to the lives, hopes, and tragedies of the world...Both my local and global neighbors are here. I wonder who has the answer to life and can offer a true definition of success.
"Grandma Jones was at her proudest moment when she was presented a great grandchild in her living room," while a thousand miles away, "Jack Doe is being toasted for winning a Pulitzer."
I see a picture of old Walter Thompson being helped from a pickup truck after returning home from the funeral of his wife of 47 years. The text quotes some of the talk inside his little house as they remember funny and memorable milestones in the life of his wife.Across a Continent I see Limousines with family members and associates being escorted to the graveside of their recently departed...owner of a Fortune 500 company.The text gives a breakdown of his success in business, then goes on to discuss how his empire will be divided.
At the funeral of Walters wife, I am told that he just stood with his grown children with a look of loss, as he wrenched at the brim of his hat, the photo's of the mogul's funeral shows the ladies in vale and men with starched faces.
In the end...Who will be the more sorely missed?
Maybe I should not read the papers for awhile...
I've been thinking much about people lately and their presuppositions of their place in the world. In reading the local small-town newspaper, I find about relatives visiting various townfolk, local politicians and their look of position, tragedies found, and obituaries of people who might have never before been found worthy of print.
I move on to the larger newspaper of nearby college/industrial towns, and find happenings of cultural value and people related to it. I also find about new businesses openings accompanied by hopeful smiles as would normally be found on the face of a new papa. I see commentaries on subjects of no real value to human life than the reason to rant, and I see tribute to the lives of the departed fortunate alongside the misfortunes of the less regarded. Everywhere I find someone has the ultimate way for me to save money by shopping at their establishment, or values on new cars I can only dream about.
On up to a paper/magazine of national or international scale, I find people mentioned for noble birth and caste, riots and the incivility of the human race, agenda's, and other notable mentions.
In all this, I am given a view of humanity as a whole. Here I sit in my little bedroom while my four kids play on the bed, I am privy to the lives, hopes, and tragedies of the world...Both my local and global neighbors are here. I wonder who has the answer to life and can offer a true definition of success.
"Grandma Jones was at her proudest moment when she was presented a great grandchild in her living room," while a thousand miles away, "Jack Doe is being toasted for winning a Pulitzer."
I see a picture of old Walter Thompson being helped from a pickup truck after returning home from the funeral of his wife of 47 years. The text quotes some of the talk inside his little house as they remember funny and memorable milestones in the life of his wife.Across a Continent I see Limousines with family members and associates being escorted to the graveside of their recently departed...owner of a Fortune 500 company.The text gives a breakdown of his success in business, then goes on to discuss how his empire will be divided.
At the funeral of Walters wife, I am told that he just stood with his grown children with a look of loss, as he wrenched at the brim of his hat, the photo's of the mogul's funeral shows the ladies in vale and men with starched faces.
In the end...Who will be the more sorely missed?
Maybe I should not read the papers for awhile...
Friday, May 28, 2004
What's Life About?
Pondering the pursuit of wealth and where will it lead...Retirement center/quality of life? Making an impact...
I have noticed lately that in many people (including me)life holds two components depending on where one is in life.
For people like me, struggling to make ends meet is a major factor in my life. I have many responsibilities and most of them center around being able to afford provision for my family. Most of my time is spent trying to make money, figuring out how to make more money, or how to spend it and who gets the biggest cut first. Life is hard and it would seem that it is mostly due to this lack of finances.
I also have friends who are extremely well off, and much of their time is spent making money, figuring out the best way to make more, The wisest way to spend/invest their money, and protecting it. One advantage they do have over me though is the freedom from having to worry about keeping the kids fed, or how to keep the lights on. Their cars don't break down and if something needs fixed, a repairman is just a phone call away. But, they still have the stress of protecting and increasing it. They go on vacations while I rent a movie for the family to watch.
I have also noticed that in charity, most of the time, my $100 bill is matched by theirs. Not all that much of a difference in giving. I find this strange. Am I more charitable, or is there simply a set standard to give? While I do make a difference at times through my charity, they could really make an impact, but choose not to. Where I offer a band-aid, they have the ability to totally heal the wound, but don't. My giving always costs me much and my family always feels the impact of it. I wonder how much their giving really costs them? Do they have to maybe eat a little cheaper? Put off buying clothes the children desperately need? Maybe shuffle around their bill paying schedule...I don't know because I am not there.
Another thing I have noticed is that regardless of financial status, we all die the same. Some may get a nicer box to be buried in and more pomp and circumstance, but none-the-less, both end up in the same dirt.
I believe it would be wise if people could realize it is not the amount you give that makes the difference, but rather the price you pay, to make that difference. If some work of charity is to be of any real impact, it will always come at a high cost to the giver, and if not, then the work is all in the name of vanity. We can either pay up front, or in the end, but we all will pay!
Only we can decide how we want to be remembered...I prefer not to be happily forgotten as a vain person, but fondly remembered as a person of impact!
I have noticed lately that in many people (including me)life holds two components depending on where one is in life.
For people like me, struggling to make ends meet is a major factor in my life. I have many responsibilities and most of them center around being able to afford provision for my family. Most of my time is spent trying to make money, figuring out how to make more money, or how to spend it and who gets the biggest cut first. Life is hard and it would seem that it is mostly due to this lack of finances.
I also have friends who are extremely well off, and much of their time is spent making money, figuring out the best way to make more, The wisest way to spend/invest their money, and protecting it. One advantage they do have over me though is the freedom from having to worry about keeping the kids fed, or how to keep the lights on. Their cars don't break down and if something needs fixed, a repairman is just a phone call away. But, they still have the stress of protecting and increasing it. They go on vacations while I rent a movie for the family to watch.
I have also noticed that in charity, most of the time, my $100 bill is matched by theirs. Not all that much of a difference in giving. I find this strange. Am I more charitable, or is there simply a set standard to give? While I do make a difference at times through my charity, they could really make an impact, but choose not to. Where I offer a band-aid, they have the ability to totally heal the wound, but don't. My giving always costs me much and my family always feels the impact of it. I wonder how much their giving really costs them? Do they have to maybe eat a little cheaper? Put off buying clothes the children desperately need? Maybe shuffle around their bill paying schedule...I don't know because I am not there.
Another thing I have noticed is that regardless of financial status, we all die the same. Some may get a nicer box to be buried in and more pomp and circumstance, but none-the-less, both end up in the same dirt.
I believe it would be wise if people could realize it is not the amount you give that makes the difference, but rather the price you pay, to make that difference. If some work of charity is to be of any real impact, it will always come at a high cost to the giver, and if not, then the work is all in the name of vanity. We can either pay up front, or in the end, but we all will pay!
Only we can decide how we want to be remembered...I prefer not to be happily forgotten as a vain person, but fondly remembered as a person of impact!
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Bring Our Soldiers Home!
Why are our soldiers fighting? Do they belong in Iraq?
I am currently a nontraditional college student (geezer going to school) and am constantly exposed to the liberal thought which says that the U.S. has no business in Iraq. I also happen to live deep in the country where most everyone is a gun toting conservative, and everyone believes we were right in our invasion of Iraq.
To complicate this a little bit more, my wife's baby brother is now in Iraq serving as a medic. Do we want him there? No! Should he be there? Yes! He is helping many people, both Iraqi and U.S. to hold onto life until they can get to a hospital, so his work is good and he is making a difference in the world. He doesn't want to be there, but feels as long as he can help save someone's life, then he does belong there. He has gone so far as learn some Iraqi on his own time in order to ask medical questions and offer comfort to the Iraqis. He just sees people. In this, we, as he, feel like he does belong there.
Another thing is the fact that he "chose" to join the military, and has an obligation to fulfill his contract. He knew the potential was there for military action. He was taught how to kill and how to survive. In this, he is mandated by honor to do the service he has agreed to.
With that said, I will admit to being a liberal conservative. I believe that we should mind our own business, but step up and fight when the cause is right. Do I believe the U.S. should have invaded? Yes, but not for the reasons given. This whole Weapon's of Mass Destruction has proven to have not panned out, and I honestly would not be surprised to find that Iraq had them. But, I feel that this reason of suspicion was not strong enough to invade.
My reason for supporting the invasion is as follows.
First, if you go to the U.S. State department and do a search on Iraq, you will literally find hundreds of documents with Saddam and his two sons as the topic of point. The issue is one of inhumane and cruel treatment of the Iraqi people. You can also go to Amnesty International or any other of a number of human rights groups and read just how evil this monster and offspring were. They were sadistic, psychotic, and maniacal in their actions. Think someone "might" look at you wrong...Throw them into an industrial shredder live. Torture for fear and fun seemed to be their hobby. This is my reason, and was so excited with this family being either killed or caught, as was the case with Saddam. The world will be so much better without those monsters.
Second, the U.N. (go to their website) had listed many reasons for supporting an attack on Iraq. Just read through the last few years, and you will find it.
Do I believe Iraq will become a peaceful and democratic nation? No. The world of the middle east is not one of a democratic culture. They have warlords and tyrants just waiting in the wings. While I believe there are some Iraqis who will try to make the plan work, they will most likely be overrun in the end. With all the oil at stake, some nation will corrupt and profit from it. Just ask yourself how Saddam, Yassir, and Osama got their strength in the first place.
The only way I see of changing this culture would be to imprison the culture for life, while taking the very young and raising them as "we" would want them to be...Democratic pawns.
I am currently a nontraditional college student (geezer going to school) and am constantly exposed to the liberal thought which says that the U.S. has no business in Iraq. I also happen to live deep in the country where most everyone is a gun toting conservative, and everyone believes we were right in our invasion of Iraq.
To complicate this a little bit more, my wife's baby brother is now in Iraq serving as a medic. Do we want him there? No! Should he be there? Yes! He is helping many people, both Iraqi and U.S. to hold onto life until they can get to a hospital, so his work is good and he is making a difference in the world. He doesn't want to be there, but feels as long as he can help save someone's life, then he does belong there. He has gone so far as learn some Iraqi on his own time in order to ask medical questions and offer comfort to the Iraqis. He just sees people. In this, we, as he, feel like he does belong there.
Another thing is the fact that he "chose" to join the military, and has an obligation to fulfill his contract. He knew the potential was there for military action. He was taught how to kill and how to survive. In this, he is mandated by honor to do the service he has agreed to.
With that said, I will admit to being a liberal conservative. I believe that we should mind our own business, but step up and fight when the cause is right. Do I believe the U.S. should have invaded? Yes, but not for the reasons given. This whole Weapon's of Mass Destruction has proven to have not panned out, and I honestly would not be surprised to find that Iraq had them. But, I feel that this reason of suspicion was not strong enough to invade.
My reason for supporting the invasion is as follows.
First, if you go to the U.S. State department and do a search on Iraq, you will literally find hundreds of documents with Saddam and his two sons as the topic of point. The issue is one of inhumane and cruel treatment of the Iraqi people. You can also go to Amnesty International or any other of a number of human rights groups and read just how evil this monster and offspring were. They were sadistic, psychotic, and maniacal in their actions. Think someone "might" look at you wrong...Throw them into an industrial shredder live. Torture for fear and fun seemed to be their hobby. This is my reason, and was so excited with this family being either killed or caught, as was the case with Saddam. The world will be so much better without those monsters.
Second, the U.N. (go to their website) had listed many reasons for supporting an attack on Iraq. Just read through the last few years, and you will find it.
Do I believe Iraq will become a peaceful and democratic nation? No. The world of the middle east is not one of a democratic culture. They have warlords and tyrants just waiting in the wings. While I believe there are some Iraqis who will try to make the plan work, they will most likely be overrun in the end. With all the oil at stake, some nation will corrupt and profit from it. Just ask yourself how Saddam, Yassir, and Osama got their strength in the first place.
The only way I see of changing this culture would be to imprison the culture for life, while taking the very young and raising them as "we" would want them to be...Democratic pawns.
Friday, May 21, 2004
An Honest Education
Going to school in the seventies I was told that I needed to be part of the physically and that if I really tried, I could be anything I wanted to be. By the time I grew up there would be a woman for president and if I wanted, I could walk on the moon. With this in mind, I decided that indeed I wanted to be an astronaut, or at the least an air force pilot. The educators kept telling us this through their curriculum and I continued to believe it. What they did not tell me was how I needed to go about becoming what they had fostered.
While it is true there was a counselor to advise us, the closer I got to graduation, the faster I realized I had no direction. I would ask about pursuing my goals, and they would say study hard. Upon graduation in the early eighties, with diploma in hand, I promptly became a chicken de-beaker for one of the local poultry contractors.
In our little “working-class” town, I was somewhat successful as I was known to be a hard worker, industrious, and someone who earned their way. Of my graduating class, I can only remember maybe 4 of my peers who went to college, which was mostly because their parents insisted upon it; two of them graduated. This was not an idea I found pushed in the school system, unless the student had an outlined plan for their future. For the rest of us, we were told to work hard…make something of ourselves.
In seeing that my jobs were getting me nowhere, I decided to go to a local vo-tech where it was decided that I should be a diesel mechanic. I loved the theory part of class, and even the lab, but quickly realized I did not want to be a diesel mechanic, so I quit. After a few more years of work, I found myself leaning back on the same conclusion of needing an education, which ended up sending me on to a technical school to become a “HVAC” engineer (heat and air serviceman), thanks to a wonderfully crafted Television commercial. Once again, I loved the theory and lab, but hated the practical part of what the outcome would be. I had no desire to fix someone’s air conditioner! After graduation I became a hard worker again.
I wound up working in a specialized human service industry where I worked hard and made my way up from the lowest level, to the position of second in command alongside another hard worker. I had finally realized some amount of success and was told that upon the retirement of my superior, I would be the best qualified for the position. Things were good, and the time of his retirement came as I had been grooming myself for the step up. Was I ever ready!
The outcome was a little different than I had expected. It was decided that a college intern that worked there would be the perfect fit for this position, so I settled in staying where I was, as I was told that I should feel honored to have the position I currently held, especailly in light of the fact that I had no college education. A year later and the place of some twenty-five years shut its doors. Now this couldn’t be due the lack of experience on the part of the educated director, but more along the lines of a poor economy, (not like the company hadn’t weathered hard times before).
While in an admittable amount of disbelief and shock, I still held a certain degree of hope for the future. In my former position, I had worked alongside engineers, HR directors, and plant managers of many national and international businesses. I was in the know, had the contacts, and a list of great references that would open any door. Another thing, which boosted my confidence, was the fact that many of the corporate people I worked with, made less money than me, and surely I could walk into their world with little problem…my hard work and good attitude would carry me through. In fact, many of the lower level line workers were college graduates and this served as a boost to me in the thought that it was the person and not the pedigree that insured success. The reception I found was a little different than I expected though. While I was experienced, the “good” jobs were reserved for those with college degrees. All my “hard work” just wasn’t enough.
Back in 1983 with dream in hand, I had not the faintest idea of the course life would take. Some twenty years later I find myself going to college, which is what I would have done in the first place had someone told me the truth. I now have professors younger than me who are trained in areas of scholarship, yet have no practical experiences in the field. I sit and listen to them teach what I have experienced, and know their recipe will not always work. I have to take classes of no interest but high expense in order to attain a degree that will allow me to “work hard.” I am guaranteed no success, but rather, am being enlightened. I have found that I need to be tolerant of everything…don’t weigh the intent or outcome, just tolerate. I am disciplined to concentrate on the mechanics more than the idea, and that conservative republicans are evil, but there is no God. I am learning to embrace all religions of the world and to shun Christianity. The most important thing I am finding is that in the United States of America, a country with English as it’s national language, I will not be allowed to gain my college diploma without learning the Spanish language. I am definitely getting an education. In all fairness though, there are a few exceptions I have found, and they are truly professors of scholarship and have my respect.
As I sit in class with student’s young enough to be my children, I wonder what they have been taught. They have shared much knowledge in how we shouldn’t harvest trees; some have learned it is wrong to eat meat, and that they are ahead of the game due to their lack of judgment against their (his or her) fellow citizens of the world. I have also found them for the most part, are not educated in any of the hard sciences, and many can only spell their own name with any degree of confidence. Good portions of them are from split, mixed, or single parent families, and I can safely say some have even functioned as the head of their family. This bothers me much.
In wondering what went wrong for these students, and how they got where they are I have realized that it is my generation that was at the helm. The ones who were pushed to dream and be whatever they wanted to be. The girl sitting by me in class just might be the daughter of "Madame President." Yes, it was my generation who went from dreams to despair and in such, has birthed a generation of disregard and submission through the guise of tolerance.
It would seem that I was the product of an open ended agenda. My childhood education was little more than me being a product of manufacture for one of the strongest businesses in the country; the public school system. Their intent was not for my best interest, but to produce another cog for the machine, which is now wearing out. Tell me what I want to hear and I just might follow you all the way to hell. Oh, "Hell" doesn't exist...nevermind.
There is so much more I would like to say on this subject, but I must wrap it up, as I am expecting a call from N.A.S.A!
While it is true there was a counselor to advise us, the closer I got to graduation, the faster I realized I had no direction. I would ask about pursuing my goals, and they would say study hard. Upon graduation in the early eighties, with diploma in hand, I promptly became a chicken de-beaker for one of the local poultry contractors.
In our little “working-class” town, I was somewhat successful as I was known to be a hard worker, industrious, and someone who earned their way. Of my graduating class, I can only remember maybe 4 of my peers who went to college, which was mostly because their parents insisted upon it; two of them graduated. This was not an idea I found pushed in the school system, unless the student had an outlined plan for their future. For the rest of us, we were told to work hard…make something of ourselves.
In seeing that my jobs were getting me nowhere, I decided to go to a local vo-tech where it was decided that I should be a diesel mechanic. I loved the theory part of class, and even the lab, but quickly realized I did not want to be a diesel mechanic, so I quit. After a few more years of work, I found myself leaning back on the same conclusion of needing an education, which ended up sending me on to a technical school to become a “HVAC” engineer (heat and air serviceman), thanks to a wonderfully crafted Television commercial. Once again, I loved the theory and lab, but hated the practical part of what the outcome would be. I had no desire to fix someone’s air conditioner! After graduation I became a hard worker again.
I wound up working in a specialized human service industry where I worked hard and made my way up from the lowest level, to the position of second in command alongside another hard worker. I had finally realized some amount of success and was told that upon the retirement of my superior, I would be the best qualified for the position. Things were good, and the time of his retirement came as I had been grooming myself for the step up. Was I ever ready!
The outcome was a little different than I had expected. It was decided that a college intern that worked there would be the perfect fit for this position, so I settled in staying where I was, as I was told that I should feel honored to have the position I currently held, especailly in light of the fact that I had no college education. A year later and the place of some twenty-five years shut its doors. Now this couldn’t be due the lack of experience on the part of the educated director, but more along the lines of a poor economy, (not like the company hadn’t weathered hard times before).
While in an admittable amount of disbelief and shock, I still held a certain degree of hope for the future. In my former position, I had worked alongside engineers, HR directors, and plant managers of many national and international businesses. I was in the know, had the contacts, and a list of great references that would open any door. Another thing, which boosted my confidence, was the fact that many of the corporate people I worked with, made less money than me, and surely I could walk into their world with little problem…my hard work and good attitude would carry me through. In fact, many of the lower level line workers were college graduates and this served as a boost to me in the thought that it was the person and not the pedigree that insured success. The reception I found was a little different than I expected though. While I was experienced, the “good” jobs were reserved for those with college degrees. All my “hard work” just wasn’t enough.
Back in 1983 with dream in hand, I had not the faintest idea of the course life would take. Some twenty years later I find myself going to college, which is what I would have done in the first place had someone told me the truth. I now have professors younger than me who are trained in areas of scholarship, yet have no practical experiences in the field. I sit and listen to them teach what I have experienced, and know their recipe will not always work. I have to take classes of no interest but high expense in order to attain a degree that will allow me to “work hard.” I am guaranteed no success, but rather, am being enlightened. I have found that I need to be tolerant of everything…don’t weigh the intent or outcome, just tolerate. I am disciplined to concentrate on the mechanics more than the idea, and that conservative republicans are evil, but there is no God. I am learning to embrace all religions of the world and to shun Christianity. The most important thing I am finding is that in the United States of America, a country with English as it’s national language, I will not be allowed to gain my college diploma without learning the Spanish language. I am definitely getting an education. In all fairness though, there are a few exceptions I have found, and they are truly professors of scholarship and have my respect.
As I sit in class with student’s young enough to be my children, I wonder what they have been taught. They have shared much knowledge in how we shouldn’t harvest trees; some have learned it is wrong to eat meat, and that they are ahead of the game due to their lack of judgment against their (his or her) fellow citizens of the world. I have also found them for the most part, are not educated in any of the hard sciences, and many can only spell their own name with any degree of confidence. Good portions of them are from split, mixed, or single parent families, and I can safely say some have even functioned as the head of their family. This bothers me much.
In wondering what went wrong for these students, and how they got where they are I have realized that it is my generation that was at the helm. The ones who were pushed to dream and be whatever they wanted to be. The girl sitting by me in class just might be the daughter of "Madame President." Yes, it was my generation who went from dreams to despair and in such, has birthed a generation of disregard and submission through the guise of tolerance.
It would seem that I was the product of an open ended agenda. My childhood education was little more than me being a product of manufacture for one of the strongest businesses in the country; the public school system. Their intent was not for my best interest, but to produce another cog for the machine, which is now wearing out. Tell me what I want to hear and I just might follow you all the way to hell. Oh, "Hell" doesn't exist...nevermind.
There is so much more I would like to say on this subject, but I must wrap it up, as I am expecting a call from N.A.S.A!
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